Paddy Parboiling Plant
- Heavy ISMB sections used.
- Scientifically designed to distribute the load equally.
- Sand blasted before anti corrosive treatment.
- Long life due to heavy duty design.
- Stable, sturdy and correctly engineered.
- Scientifically designed.
- Incorporates FAG/SKF/NBC bearings.
- Head pulley incorporates anti- skid rubber lining.
- Geared motor for easy operation.
- Heavy duty mounting frame.
- Fully skirted to eliminate spillage.
- No counter shafts are used.
- Speed controllers provided at extra cost.
- Heat resistant four ply endless type rubber belts are provided.
Structural Support
- Heavy ISMB sections used.
- Sand blasted before anti corrosive treatment.
- Stable, sturdy and correctly engineered.
- Scientifically designed to distribute the load equally.
- Long life due to heavy duty design.
Discharge Valve For Soaking Tanks
- Anti corrosive cast iron design.
- Stainless steel discharge mechanism.
- Arrangement for leak proof tightening.
- Heavy construction.
- Stainless steel strainer plate.
Paddy Silo
- Available in both stainless steel and mild steel.
- Modular, panel type design
- Easy bagging
- Heavy Construction
- Designed for optimum aspiration of paddy.
- Entry for birds is possible.
- Bolted type construction.